Results for 'J. Reinaldo Martínez-Fernández'

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  1.  26
    Measuring Perceived Research Competence of Junior Researchers.Sarah A. Marrs, Carla Quesada-Pallarès, Korinthia D. Nicolai, Elizabeth A. Severson-Irby & J. Reinaldo Martínez-Fernández - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Graduates of doctoral programs are expected to be competent at designing and conducting research independently. Given the level of research competence needed to successfully conduct research, it is important that assessors of doctoral programs have a reliable and validated tool for measuring and tracking perceived research competence among their students and graduates. A high level of research competence is expected for all Ph.D. graduates worldwide, in addition to in all disciplines/fields. Moreover, graduates of Ph.D. programs may complete their studies in (...)
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  2. Unifying the Philosophy of Truth.T. Achourioti, H. Galinon, J. Martínez Fernández & K. Fujimoto (eds.) - 2015 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    This anthology of the very latest research on truth features the work of recognized luminaries in the field, put together following a rigorous refereeing process. Along with an introduction outlining the central issues in the field, it provides a unique and unrivaled view of contemporary work on the nature of truth, with papers selected from key conferences in 2011 such as Truth Be Told (Amsterdam), Truth at Work (Paris), Paradoxes of Truth and Denotation (Barcelona) and Axiomatic Theories of Truth (Oxford).
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    Designing and Validating a Basketball Learning and Performance Assessment Instrument.Sergio J. Ibáñez, Sergio Martinez-Fernández, Sergio Gonzalez-Espinosa, Javier García-Rubio & Sebastián Feu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Formation Tracking of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents Using Distance and Area Constraints.E. G. Hernandez-Martinez, E. D. Ferreira-Vazquez, G. Fernandez-Anaya & J. J. Flores-Godoy - 2017 - Complexity:1-13.
    This paper presents two formation tracking control strategies for a combined set of single and double integrator agents with an arbitrary undirected communication topology. The first approach is based on the design of distance-based potential functions with interagent collision avoidance using local information about the distance and orientation between agents and the desired trajectory. The second approach adds signed area constraints to the desired formation specification and a control strategy that uses distance as well as area terms is designed to (...)
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    Academic Goal Profiles and Learning Strategies in Adolescence.María Carmen Martínez-Monteagudo, Beatriz Delgado, Ricardo Sanmartín, Candido J. Inglés & José Manuel García-Fernández - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Hybrid Modelling of Multilayer Perceptron Ensembles for Predicting the Response of Bolted Lap Joints.J. Fernandez-Ceniceros, F. Antonanzas-Torres, F. J. Martinez-De-Pison & A. Sanz-Garcia - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (3):451-462.
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    Child and Adolescent Social Adaptive Functioning Scale: Factorial Invariance, Latent Mean Differences, and Its Impact on School Refusal Behavior in Spanish Children.Carolina Gonzálvez, Cándido J. Inglés, Ainhoa Martínez-Palau, Ricardo Sanmartín, María Vicent & José M. García-Fernández - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Consensus of Multiagent Systems Described by Various Noninteger Derivatives.G. Nava-Antonio, G. Fernández-Anaya, E. G. Hernández-Martínez, J. J. Flores-Godoy & E. D. Ferreira-Vázquez - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-14.
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    Whether or Not to Open the Pandora’s Box: An Analysis of Latent Conflict in Vulnerable Neighbourhoods with High Socio-Cultural Diversity in Spain.Francisco J. Lorenzo Gilsanz, Sergio Barciela Fernández & María Inés Martínez Herrero - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (3):285-305.
    Worldwide, vulnerable neighbourhoods of large cities are often the scene of collective violent conflicts linked with migration and ethnic minorities’ struggles for social justice. However, urban conflicts of this kind have not taken place in Spanish cities with high immigration rates, even though the country has been deeply affected by two recent socioeconomic crises (2009 and 2020). This article reports findings of a study aimed at understanding what lies behind this apparent social peace. The research methodology was based on an (...)
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    Antisocial Behavior and Interpersonal Values in High School Students.María del Mar Molero Jurado, María del Carmen Pérez Fuentes, José J. Carrión Martínez, Antonio Luque de la Rosa, Anabella Garzón Fernández, África Martos Martínez, Maria del Mar Simón Márquez, Ana B. Barragán Martín & José J. Gázquez Linares - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  11.  27
    Relationship Between the Practice of Physical Activity and Physical Fitness in Physical Education Students: The Integrated Regulation As a Mediating Variable.Gemma María Gea-García, Noelia González-Gálvez, Alejandro Espeso-García, Pablo J. Marcos-Pardo, Francisco Tomás González-Fernández & Luis Manuel Martínez-Aranda - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The practice of physical activity (PA) contributes to the prevention of chronic diseases such as obesity, metabolic syndrome or cardiovascular diseases, being also directly related to the individual’s physical fitness. Therefore, it is necessary to measure and monitoring the levels of PA in childhood and adolescence, since it may be useful to describe their current health status and the association with physical fitness, as well as to reveal putative consequences in the future. Within the educational field, it has been shown (...)
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    Using the finite element method and data mining techniques as an alternative method to determine the maximum load capacity in tapered roller bearings.Ruben Lostado-Lorza, Ruben Escribano-Garcia, Roberto Fernandez-Martinez, Marcos Illera-Cueva & Bryan J. Mac Donald - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 24:4-14.
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    Combining genetic algorithms and the finite element method to improve steel industrial processes.A. Sanz-García, A. V. Pernía-Espinoza, R. Fernández-Martínez & F. J. Martínez-de-Pisón-Ascacíbar - 2012 - Journal of Applied Logic 10 (4):298-308.
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    Bermejo, Ignacio Jericó. Domingo Báñez, Teología de la infidelidad en Paganos y Herejes (1584). Madrid: Editorial Revista Agustiniana, 2000. Chrétien, Jean-Luis. The Unforgettable and the Unhoped For. Trans. J. Bloechl. New York: Fordham University Press, 2002. Cupitt, Don. Is Nothing Sacred: The Non-Realist Philosophy of Religion. New. [REVIEW]Josep-Vicent Ferre Domínguez, Francisco Bueno-Félix C. Fernández, Antonio Claver Ferrer, Jacinto García & Gregorio Martínez - 2003 - Augustinian Studies 34 (1).
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    Estrategia de educación, promoción y prevención para la percepción del riesgo genético en las mujeres en edad fértil.Reinaldo Proenza Rodríguez, Fidel Francisco Martínez Álvarez, Héctor Pimentel Benítez & Fidel de Jesús Moras Bracero - 2011 - Humanidades Médicas 11 (1):63-80.
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    Trabajo comunitario, participación social y red de actores en la percepción del riesgo genético.Reinaldo Proenza Rodríguez, Fidel Francisco Martínez Álvarez, Héctor Pimentel Benítez & Fidel de Jesús Moras Bracero - 2010 - Humanidades Médicas 10 (3):1-21.
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    Clara Fernández-Ladreda, Javier Martínez de Aguirre, and Carlos J. Martínez Álava, El arte románico en Navarra. 2nd rev. ed. (Arte, 37.) Pamplona: Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Cultura y Turismo, Institución Príncipe de Viana, 2004. Pp. 466; many color figures. Distributed by Fondo de Publicaciones del Gobierno de Navarra, c/ Navas de Tolosa, 21, 31002 Pamplona, Spain.Javier Martínez de Aguirre and Leopoldo Gil Cornet, Torres del Río, Iglesia del Santo Sepulcro. (Panorama, 34.) Pamplona: Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Cultura y Turismo, Institución Príncipe de Viana, 2004. Paper. Pp. 106; black-and-white and color figures. Distributed by Fondo de Publicaciones del Gobierno de Navarra, c/ Navas de Tolosa, 21, 31002 Pamplona, Spain. [REVIEW]Eileen McKiernan González - 2006 - Speculum 81 (4):1185-1188.
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    La 'imitatio' en el 'De Officiis' de Cicerón: un modelo de ciudadano para el hombre invisible.Iker Martínez Fernández - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (1):1-11.
    La responsabilidad ética de las acciones de un hombre que pudiera tornarse invisible reabre en Cicerón el debate entre lo honestum y lo utile y con él la necesidad de presentar un modelo de ciudadano que vincule elementos políticos, éticos y jurídicos en orden a la conservación de una serie de valores necesarios para la convivencia. Dicho modelo se presenta en De officiis como una traducción de la filosofía de Panecio en la que el complejo término decorum adquiere una dimensión (...)
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  19.  60
    Remarks on the Gupta-Belnap fixed-point property for k-valued clones.José Martínez-Fernández - 2014 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 24 (1-2):118-131.
    Here, I first prove that certain families of k-valued clones have the Gupta-Belnap fixed-point property. This essentially means that all propositional languages that are interpreted with operators belonging to those clones are such that any net of self-referential sentences in the language can be consistently evaluated. I then focus on two four-valued generalisations of the Kleene propositional operators that generalise the strong and weak Kleene operators: Belnap’s clone and Fitting’s clone, respectively. I apply the theorems from the initial part of (...)
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  20.  24
    The many faces of the Liar Paradox.José Martínez-Fernández & Sergi Oms - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (1):15-21.
    The Liar Paradox is a classic argument that creates a contradiction by reflection on a sentence that attributes falsity to itself: ‘this sentence is false’. In our paper we will discuss the ways in which the Liar sentence (and its paradoxical argument) can be represented in first-order logic. The key to the representation is to use first-order logic to model a self-referential language. We will also discuss several related sentences, like the Liar cycles, the empirical versions of the Liar and (...)
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  21. Los jardines imaginarios Del sujeto contemporáneo: La locura en Los tiempos Del pastiche.Pablo Martínez Fernández - 2014 - Alpha (Osorno) 39:79-92.
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  22. Introduction.José Martínez-Fernández, Henri Galinon, Kentaro Fujimoto & Theodora Achourioti - 2015 - In T. Achourioti, H. Galinon, J. Martínez Fernández & K. Fujimoto, Unifying the Philosophy of Truth. Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
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  23.  25
    Agua y sostenibilidad: algunas claves desde los sistemas áridos.Julia Martínez Fernández - 2006 - Polis 14.
    La nueva cultura del agua ha evidenciado que ésta y sus usos es algo mucho más complejo que el simple concepto de recursos hídricos, además de constituir una dimensión esencial de la sostenibilidad. En los ecosistemas áridos, la excesiva presión sobre el agua y sus impactos en los sistemas naturales amenazan la sostenibilidad global en tales zonas. Reconducir dicha situación, exige replantear el concepto de recursos hídricos y el de demandas, pasando de la tradicional categorización entre usos urbanos, agrarios, industriales (...)
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  24. Eliminating Self-Reference from Grelling’s and Zwicker’s Paradoxes.José Martínez Fernández & Jordi Valor Abad - 2014 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 29 (1):85.
    The goal of this paper is to present Yabloesque versions of Grelling’s and Zwicker’s paradoxes concerning the notions of “heterological” and “hypergame” respectively. We will offer counterparts of these paradoxes that do not seem to involve self-reference or vicious circularity.El objetivo de este artículo es ofrecer versiones de las paradojas de Grelling y de Zwicker inspiradas en la paradoja de Yablo. Nuestras versiones de estas paradojas no parecen involucrar ni autorreferencia ni circularidad viciosa.
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    Exempla y crítica política en Roma: el Mecenas de Séneca.Iker Martínez Fernández - 2015 - Endoxa 36:77.
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    Rojas: La construcción de la mujer republicana en la memoria de españa.Adriana Martínez Fernández - 2006 - Alpha (Osorno) 22.
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    Maximal Three-Valued Clones with the Gupta-Belnap Fixed-Point Property.José Martínez Fernández - 2007 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 48 (4):449-472.
    This paper gives a propositional reformulation of the fixed-point problem posed by Gupta and Belnap, using the stipulation logic of Visser. After presenting a solution for clones of three-valued operators that include the constant functions, I determine the maximal three-valued clones with constants that have the fixed-point property, giving different characterizations of them.
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  28. General terms, rigidity and the trivialization problem.Genoveva Martí & José Martínez-Fernández - 2011 - Synthese 181 (2):277 - 293.
    We defend the view that defines the rigidity of general terms as sameness of designated universal across possible worlds from the objection that such a characterization is incapable of distinguishing rigid from non-rigid readings of general terms and, thus, that it trivializes the notion of rigidity. We also argue that previous attempts to offer a solution to the trivialization problem do no succeed.
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    The representation of gappy sentences in four-valued semantics.Genoveva Martí & José Martínez-Fernández - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (240):145-163.
    Three-valued logics are standardly used to formalize gappy languages, i.e., interpreted languages in which sentences can be true, false or neither. A three-valued logic that assigns the same truth value to all gappy sentences is, in our view, insufficient to capture important semantic differences between them. In this paper we will argue that there are two different kinds of pathologies that should be treated separately and we defend the usefulness of a four-valued logic to represent adequately these two types of (...)
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  30.  20
    Stress, Emotional Intelligence and the Intention to Use Cannabis in Spanish Adolescents: Influence of COVID-19 Confinement.Cristina Liébana-Presa, María Cristina Martínez-Fernández, José Alberto Benítez-Andrades, Elena Fernández-Martínez, Pilar Marqués-Sánchez & Isaías García-Rodríguez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The disease brought about by the SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 coronavirus has had an unprecedented global impact. Confinement to control the outbreak may have mental health consequences for the most vulnerable in the population, including adolescents. This study aims to describe and analyze the relationships between the stress variables, Emotional Intelligence and the intention to use cannabis in healthy adolescents, before and after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic containment stage. A comparative correlational study was carried out with validated self-completed questionnaires through (...)
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  31. Field on the Concept of Truth – Comment.Anil Gupta & José Martínez-Fernández - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 124 (1):45-58.
  32.  14
    A localist solution to the problem of mixed inferences by juxtaposition.Carlos Benito-Monsalvo & José Martínez-Fernández - 2024 - Synthese 204 (1):1-28.
    Logical localism is a thesis within philosophy of logic according to which the correct logic is dependent on the topic, domain or subject matter of its application. There is a very straightforward problem for anyone defending a localist thesis, a problem that follows from the fact that we reason across domains. This challenge is known as the problem of mixed inferences. The problem is, very roughly, the following: suppose that there are at least two components, within the premises or conclusion (...)
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  33. General Terms and Non-Trivial Rigid Designation.Genoveva Marti & José Martínez-Fernández - 2007 - In Concha Martínez, José L. Falguera & José M. Sagüillo, Current topics in logic and analytic philosophy =. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. pp. 103-116.
    we explore the view that defines rigidity of general terms as sameness of designation across possible worlds. On this view, a general term is rigid just in case it designates the same universal (species, substance or property) in every possible world. This view has been proposed most notably by Bernard Linsky, Nathan Salmon and more recently by Joseph LaPorte, and it has been criticised by several philosophers, including Stephen Schwartz and Scott Soames.
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    Reseñas varias.Óscar Cubo Ugarte, Iker Martínez Fernández, Manuel Suances Marcos, Yashiro Díaz Rivera, Leopoldo José Prieto López, Adrián Bueno Junquero, Ricardo Cueva Fernández, Guillem Sales Vilalta, Pablo Montosa & Martí Clua Torres - 2020 - Endoxa 45:261.
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    John Corcoran.Concepción Martínez Vidal & José Miguel Sagüillo Fernández-Vega - 2021 - Agora 41 (1).
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    Influence of Stress and Depression on the Immune System in Patients Evaluated in an Anti-aging Unit.Beatriz Cañas-González, Alonso Fernández-Nistal, Juan M. Ramírez & Vicente Martínez-Fernández - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  37.  19
    Ideas en la configuración de la realidad.Gerardo Robles-Reinaldos & Antonio Ortiz Martínez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (4):1-10.
    La reflexión que se suscita presenta una visión sobre cómo en la experiencia estética la memoria emerge interfiriendo en el presente y alterando el tiempo continuo. Trataremos a través de la memoria desde diferentes visiones en las que, lejos de ser un archivo o catálogo, se plantea como un despliegue emocional de la experiencia. En la práctica artística se produce un ejercicio cognitivo que habilita la impresión de experiencias intensas. La característica que singulariza una obra de arte no solo está (...)
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    Estrategia de educación, promoción y prevención para la percepción del.Reinaldo Proenza Rodríguez, Fidel Francisco Martínez Álvarez & Héctor Pimentel Benítez - 2011 - Humanidades Médicas 11 (1).
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    The specialist's preparation in formation in Anesthesiology for the attention to the patient in shock.Jorge Onasis Fernández Llombar & Reinaldo Elias Sierra - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):97-114.
    RESUMEN Introducción: No todos los especialistas en formación en Anestesiología y Reanimación revelan una actuación eficiente en la atención al paciente en shock. Objetivo: Exponer elementos relacionados con un sistema de talleres docentes para potenciar la preparación del especialista en formación en Anestesiología para la atención médica integral al paciente en shock. Material y método: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo con enfoque cualitativo que tiene en cuenta la sistematización de los referentes teóricos esenciales que posibilitan la satisfacción del objetivo declarado. (...)
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    Pérez de Tudela, J., El pragmatismo americano: acción racional y reconstrucción del sentido.J. A. Martínez Martínez - 1989 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 23:291.
  41.  27
    Cooperation With Universities in the Development of Eco-Innovations and Firms’ Performance.Juan J. Arroyave, Francisco J. Sáez-Martínez & Ángela González-Moreno - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:612465.
    In recent decades, the expansion of economic activity has been accompanied by negative environmental impacts. In response, there have been dramatic changes worldwide in terms of an increased demand for environmentally friendly products and services. To achieve these eco-innovations, firms have sought to acquire knowledge and implement operational flexibility by cooperating with different agents such as universities through a value cocreation system that is also expected to enhance firms’ performance. Using a sample of 250 companies, the present paper examines the (...)
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    Perceptions on the procedures and techniques for assessing history and defining teaching profiles. Teacher training in Spain and the United Kingdom.Cosme J. Gómez Carrasco, Pedro Miralles Martínez, Jairo Rodríguez Medina & Javier J. Maquilón Sánchez - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-19.
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    SCHOPENHAUER, A.: De la cuádruple raíz del principio de razón suficiente.J. L. Martínez de Castro - 1981 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 16:203.
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    Fragmento III: acerca de los conceptos y las definiciones.J. H. Lambert & Luciana Martínez - 2020 - Agora 39 (1).
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    DESCARTES, R.: Reglas para la dirección del espíritu.J. A. Martínez Martínez - 1984 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 19:235.
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    Rábade Romeo. S.: La razon y lo irracional.J. A. Martínez Martínez - 1995 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 29:251.
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    High‐throughput localization of organelle proteins by mass spectrometry: a quantum leap for cell biology.Denise J. L. Tan & Alfonso Martinez Arias - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (8):780-784.
    Cells are the fundamental building blocks of organisms and their organization holds the key to our understanding of the processes that control Development and Physiology as well as the mechanisms that underlie disease. Traditional methods of analysis of subcellular structure have relied on the purification of organelles and the painstaking biochemical description of their components. The arrival of high‐throughput genomic and, more significantly, proteomic technologies has opened hereto unforeseen possibilities for this task. Recently two reports(1,2) show how much can be (...)
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  48. Unshadowed Thought: Representations in Thought and Language.Reinaldo Elugardo & Robert J. Stainton - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (3):470-473.
    This is a very poorly written book. It is highly repetitive and verbose. Moreover, despite the repetition, it is fundamentally unclear—both because of unhelpful and unexplained terminology, and because of its distinctively tangled prose. Here is one example of the latter.
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  49. Shaping your own mind: the self-mindshaping view on metacognition.Víctor Fernández-Castro & Fernando Martínez-Manrique - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (1):139-167.
    Starting from Proust’s distinction between the self-attributive and self-evaluative views on metacognition, this paper presents a third view: self-mindshaping. Based on the notion of mindshaping as the core of social cognition, the self-mindshaping view contends that mindshaping abilities can be turned on one’s own mind. Against the self-attributive view, metacognition is not a matter of accessing representations to metarepresent them but of giving shape to those representations themselves. Against the self-evaluative view, metacognition is not blind to content but relies heavily (...)
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    Profiles of Burnout, Coping Strategies and Depressive Symptomatology.Juan Pedro Martínez, Inmaculada Méndez, Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban, Aitana Fernández-Sogorb & José Manuel García-Fernández - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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